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Four Creative Winter Play to Keep Kids Entertained

Winter can be a more difficult time to keep the kids entertained with cold weather and limited time outdoors. Here are some great ideas to encourage creative play on those snowy days. They involve music, movement, painting, and more; all the components for some magical winter fun!

Snow Dancing – For this activity, just bundle up your little ones in their warmest winter gear, put on their favorite funky music, and send them out in the snow to dance. Spinning and twirling in knee-deep snow can actually be great fun!! It is also a good way for children to get some much needed exercise and outdoor time during the winter season. Make sure you choose a safe spot (grassy underneath) so there are no worries when the kids go toppling over in the snow.

Another fun aspect of this activity is to make different kinds of tracks in the snow, such as: pulling a sled around, throwing balls into the snow, or just creating footprints, (in this case, bootprints), as you all are dancing around!

Snow Painting – All you need to create great works of art with snow is some washable tempera paint, paint brushes for mixing, and, you guessed it, SNOW!! Send the children out in the snow with small buckets or plastic containers to gather up some snow. Next, add some tempera paint and let them mix the paint with the snow for some awesome results. Add different colors to discover the different shades that can be created. Then, place the painted snow in a baggie and place it in the freezer. The children can get it back out later and squish it around some more, just make sure the baggie is completely sealed.

Snow painting

Winter Scenes Using Doilies – Making paper snowflakes is always a favorite winter art activity. For a fun twist, here are some variations using paper doilies. First, draw or paint a winter scene using tempera paint or chalk, on a heavy piece of paper. Then cut out different patterns from a paper doily and glue them on to a picture.

Or, you can also paint a doily (using tempera paint), while placing it over a plain sheet of paper, and a magnificent surprise will be created on the paper underneath the doily. And, just like a real snowflake, each creation will be unique.


Snow Creations – Last, but not least, building a snowman is a sure way to enjoy the wintry weather, while also encouraging your child’s creativity. Start by building a traditional snowman, with several balls of snow. Choose what items to put on his face, and think outside the box. Perhaps you would like to use rocks or pinecones for his eyes, a different kind of vegetable for his nose, and on and on. Next, decide on just the right winter garb to dress your snowman. He may need a hat or a scarf, mittens or boots. Your child will have amazing ideas for creating his or her own incredible snowman!


If you are up for a further challenge, try building other snow creations. Again, use your imagination. My charges enjoyed an especially fun afternoon by building an igloo in their backyard for their child-sized Winnie the Pooh. Their structure was just the right size for the stuffed animal to get a break from the cold.

Winnie the Pooh

So, don’t be daunted by the cold. The possibilities are endless. Go out and experience all that the great wintry weather has to offer!

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Cynthia Wilkinson
Making music and working with children, Cindy has created a unique niche for herself as a musician, educator, and nanny. Her musical work includes performing for audiences across the country, recording her Jumpin' With Cindy CDs for children, creating her own music curriculum "Jumpin' to the Beat", and teaching music with an array of arts organizations. In 1998, she was honored as the International Nanny Association's Nanny of the Year Award. Currently, she cares for 5 children in the Denver, CO area.
Cynthia Wilkinson

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