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Personal Service for Candidates

Personal Service for CandidatesAre you an experienced career Nanny or Housekeeper who is fed up with searching through thousands of online websites and filling out thousands of online applications while hoping that you find a job that you deserve? The Internet is impersonal and sometimes hard to navigate through making finding a job in middle of a recession even more difficult, but there is a better way. Here at Greenhouse Agency we will work with you one on one until we could find you a job that you deserve. You won’t have to fill out anymore online applications or pay any ridiculous fees in order to have the slight chance of finding the right job. Instead all you really need to do is come into our office fill out an application and five minutes later sit down with one of our specialists who will work tirelessly to find you the right job without ever charging you a penny.

Our agency not only screens our candidates, we also screen our clients to make sure that they treat you with the dignity and respect that you deserve and also makes sure that you get paid that you deserve. We will call your references and help you fix your resume then present you to our clients for immediate consideration. This agency has been around for 38 years and we strive to find a perfect match for both the employer and employee.  Your happiness and the fact that you could go home with a job that you deserve is one of our main goals.

Even after we find you a job we will continue to communicate with you and make sure that you are satisfied and if you are unhappy then we will continue to work with you to find a job that you would thrive in.  You deserve a high paying job that matched the great experience that you have in your line of work and it our main priority to find you the perfect job that you deserve. Come into our office today there is absolutely nothing to lose and a great rewarding job to gain. When you come in please bring your resume, reference, and identification and come speak to me today. Interviews are not necessary and you could just walk in between the hours of 10-6 Monday through Friday and if you do you will be one step closer to finding the perfect position that you so desperately need.  Give me a call at 212-889-7505 and ask for Ryan.

by Ryan Gerstler

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  • Avatar Zeynep says:

    I’ve read the Good Nanny Book twice once when I first started loonikg for a nanny in 2003 and again this year. After having 2 wonderful nannies who stayed for a combined 6 years, we went through 4 nannies in a year and I felt I needed a refresher on how to find someone who would stick. The book is a good starter text for someone who has no idea how to select an employee, but the advise details are clearly showing their age. For example, there’s lots of reference to mailing out application forms and having the nanny mail them back. A nanny who doesn’t have Internet access is going to have issues dealing with a 21st century child. There’s also a great deal of text devoted to posting positions in newspapers. The idea is solid and the rules apply more or less to electronic posting, but I would not recommend placing paper ads unless (again) you want people who don’t have access to a computer. The book focuses on the process of choosing and managing a live-in nanny, and while that is presumably a harder search, there’s quite a bit missing about finding a nanny who can be relied upon to show up every morning when her commute is longer than a staircase. I also think there’s a great call for sourcing and interviewing part-time nannies for those of us who have school-aged children and demanding jobs. The selection process is no less important, and the pool of qualified applicants is considerably slimmer. I understand that this author is drawing on her own experiences and those of families she interviewed, but the sample size is very homogeneous. It would have been more helpful to look at the array of nanny options rather than to focus exclusively on a full-on, live-in caregiver who needs constant management. That is, unless she is a Nanny from Heaven.

  • Avatar Arjohn says:

    I think you are right on when you say that your feelings about this moemnt are coming from your own feelings of guilt for working. This mother could have had a number of reasonable reasons for not wanting to leave her child with your nanny that had nothing to do with her judging you. It could be an issue of her trusting her child with a stranger. It could be the idea of burdening someone who she is not paying to care for her child. It could be simply the confusion about whether or not she would have to pay this person. Who knows. I recently visited my brother who employs a nanny for his 2 children. She watched my yougest niece while we took my daughter and my older niece to the movies. She also prepared lunch for all of the children, including my daughter, before we came home. I have to admit that I personally felt a little guilty about this. My daughter is not her responsibility and she is not paid to care for my daughter. I hope this helps to provide a little insight into the many reasons why leaving her child with your nanny may have made this mother feel uncomfortable.

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