Domestic Staff News


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Thank You Domestic Workers | From Greenhouse Agency

Sometimes as Domestic Workers, you may feel as though no one ever sees the amount of work you put into making someone’s life and home a place of order and peace. Most tend to show their appreciation only during the holidays or a specific appreciation week. However, it is that “Thank You” that comes unexpectedly that can sometimes make you feel as if all the hard work is not in vain. With that being said, we want to take the time to say “Thank You for all your hard work. We appreciate all you do and all you sacrifice to make life easier for families all across the globe”

To our Nanny/Manny: Thank you for changing diapers, calming a crying child, settling children’s disputes, making their favorite peanut butter sandwich, helping with the homework, etc.

To our Housekeeper/Houseman: Thank you for keeping everything clean and organized, for sanitizing the germy bathroom, cleaning and ironing all the clothes and linens, etc.

To our Handyman: Thank you for fixing all the little things and the big things, for maintaining our patios, pools, etc.

To our Ladies Maid/Butler: Thank you for doing a little of everything with pristine service, for serving our dinners, greeting guests, answering phones, polishing shoes, laying out our clothes, etc.

To our Chef/Cook: Thank you for keeping bellies full with delicious foods, for preparing dinner parties, for ordering the favorite wines, etc.

To our Chauffeur: Thank you for getting to all destinations safely and in a timely manner, for grabbing our luggage, keeping the car clean and maintained, for waiting for hours in the car, etc.

To our Personal Assistant: Thank for keeping personal lives in order, for checking mail, for playing gatekeeper, for picking up gifts, for running errands, etc.

To our Estate and House Manager: Thank you for making the house run smoothly, for remembering that the lawn needed maintenance, for hiring all the household staff, for handling crazy schedules, etc.

“The grandest of heroic deeds are those which are performed within four walls and in domestic privacy” – Jean Paul

Thank You Domestic Workers

By: Justine Hall

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  Nannies, Housekeepers, Available at Greenhouse Agcy Ltd.

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Greenhouse Agcy. Ltd,
55 West 39th St. ~ Suite 308
New York, NY 10018
Telephone: (212) 889-7505
Fax: (212) 889-3673
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