

Simple Tabber Example


The relationship between “employer” & “employee” is most unique in the Private Sector – Personal Service Industry. This is the rarest of situations, where an employee’s responsibilities require they be a part of their boss’s everyday private lives. This “connection” in most cases inevitably leads to the employee’s personal life being opened up to their employer. It’s virtually impossible for the traditional “boss/worker” relationship we see in the corporate/business world to be remotely similar in a residential/family setting.


Of course there is always a line drawn and boundaries set, as in all work environments. Never the less, the environment itself tends to create this “one of a kind” rapport.


Because of this exceptional link between “employer” & “employee,” we ask for Comments, Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions, Experiences & Stories. Please take a moment to submit an item of interest, related to Household/Domestic Staff or previous work stories. The funnier…the better. The more informative…the more helpful for all.

***Names & e-mail addresses will not be posted if requested.

(267) Most recent on top
  • sellis says:

    I guess those applicants must like the unemployment line and being broke. Weekends especially in the summer! Especially at $55k I say bring it on!

  • Thank you Sarah for such kind words.  Comments like yours are sincerely appreciated and never taken for granted.
    All The Best
    Glenn Scott Greenhouse

  • Sarah Elizabeth says:

    I just began working with Greenhouse staffing. I actually was very excited to be called by Tiffany from Greenhouse Staffing, who had received my resume and was following up regarding nanny job openings. I went in the same day to meet her as well as all of the lovely staff who work within the Greenhouse. I was shocking and relieved at how genuinely nice and personable everyone was there from the moment I walked through the door. I should mention that I have lived and worked in NYC for 7 years as a career nanny, and have looked to an agency (or a few) when needing help in finding a new position. I had thought that I had been going to the best or most well regarded agencies in the city, but now I think otherwise after meeting and working with the staff at Greenhouse. Really looking forward to working with them now as well as referring them to others in need of domestic help. 

  • Jesse says:

    A Quick Hypothetical:
    Let’s say you need a job. You come to Greenhouse with your resume, reference and ID. You meet myself or one of the other counselors. We get you an interview for a position that is attractive both in responsibilities, hours and salary. You get along well with the family. After your interview, Mr. Smith calls and alerts us that he’s interested in extending you an offer, that he wants you to start working as soon as possible, that you’re exactly what he’s looking for in an employee, that there’s chemistry.  Mr. Smith also says that he wants to start you off at a lower weekly salary than what you require because he wants to see you prove your skills, that he likes to have room to give raises. 
    Now, what do you do? Take this mutually agreeable job and accept the lower salary? OR, decide to wait, effectually turning your back on the seemingly perfect job because Mr. Smith is not meeting your salary requirements.  
    I’ve seen this happen. I’ve seen housekeepers and nannies decide not to accept a job with chemistry. I’m writing this now because I’ve also seen how much these housekeepers and nannies have regretted not taking that perfect job. Sure, they found higher paying positions down the line, but they didn’t stay at them for very long, looking for work again with a sour taste in their mouth. 
    Money is of course a very important factor when deciding whether or not a job is right for YOU. Just remember, it’s not everything.

    Wishing all Men who care for, love & “desire the best for” their kids; a Sincere and Heartfelt HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!!

    Sometimes a Man’s actions may not seem that of a “so called good Father.”  Life has it’s ups and downs for all, including Fathers.  Situations, circumstance and yes….wrong decisions can make some  seem as “less than the best of Fathers.” This goes for Step-Dads also. 

    As both a Dad & Step Dad myself, who has made a few mistakes  (over the years).. I know it’s what is in my heart that counts….. and as long as I’m always trying to do my best as a Father, I’m a good Father.

    I’ve been a Father for 30+ years.  I’ve second guessed myself several times.  I’ve been at the crossroads where choices needed to be made…. please my kids and give them what they want or do what’s truly best for them.  It’s not easy being a Father.  Sticking to my one rule: Doing my best to assure  my Kids have a better life than I had, has been my way of being a good Father. I’m fortunate and blessed to have four wonderful kids.  My Love for them is so strong and deep… it’s unlike any other love. Different from the Love of my wife, Brothers, Parents, Friends etc.  It’s powerful, it’s difficult to describe…. but I’m sure other Father’s know what I’m talking about. 

    It’s also a tough job, with lots of responsibility….. but it is not about providing “material things” or “buying things for your kids.”  It’s about guiding them, being there for them, showing them the right paths to embark on in life.  Showing your kids respect and a willingness to try and understand what they are going through is equally important.  Putting your “foot down & saying NO” when necessary is essential too.

    Being a parent is very difficult.  But a good parent cannot be selfish and put themselves first… the kids must come first. This is a good parent.

    Perfection is not a requirement for being deserving of this special Day.  Any man who thinks this, should give himself a pass…. providing he does  care for, love & “desire the best for” his kids!!!!

    This Father’s Day is dedicated to my two Fathers:
    Martin Greenhouse and Norman Popkin!

    Glenn Scott Greenhouse

  • Think it would depend on what was done wrong.  EG: If trust or honesty as come into question….. yes, maybe it’s out the do!

  • Response to an Employer who’s recent hire, decided she did not want to return.
    You could have had xxxxxx back, at least for the next couple of weeks. With kind words and comments expressing her value and your appreciation. Instead, you attacked and threatened. Weather by innuendo or actual verbiage. You acted in a similar way with me. I’m trying to advise, not criticize. I hope you realize this. Domestic/Household Staff is an employee group, unique and unlike any other. Their “pride & self-esteem,” is all they have. In most cases, they’ve came to the US with little else….except for a suitcase, the clothes on their backs and maybe a relative or friend’s room, waiting for them. When people like xxxxxx; basically honest, hard working immigrants feel they are loosing this “pride & self-esteem,” they clam up and your up against a brick wall. It took me many years to understand this. Again, this is only due to the nature of the Domestic/Household Staffing industry, because of the coming together (and mutual need for each other) of the two distinct Social Classes….. the “rich/well heeled/highly educated” and this “lower Socioeconomic but desirous to work group.”

    Feelings, Thoughts, Comments?

  • Denise says:

    When an employee does something wrong forget all the things they did RIGHT!

  • Jesse says:

    Hi All,
    Just some Fortune Cookie advice for the weekend — Every truly great accomplishment is at first impossible.
    Much love,

  • Thank you so much Jacqueline!  We try hard to help every one. You’re our Client and we’ll never take any of our Clients for granted.  Without good, hardworking, smart and skilled professionals like you…..Greenhouse could never survive. 

    Please pass the word!  Visit us on Facebook and LinkedIn! 

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