

Simple Tabber Example


The relationship between “employer” & “employee” is most unique in the Private Sector – Personal Service Industry. This is the rarest of situations, where an employee’s responsibilities require they be a part of their boss’s everyday private lives. This “connection” in most cases inevitably leads to the employee’s personal life being opened up to their employer. It’s virtually impossible for the traditional “boss/worker” relationship we see in the corporate/business world to be remotely similar in a residential/family setting.


Of course there is always a line drawn and boundaries set, as in all work environments. Never the less, the environment itself tends to create this “one of a kind” rapport.


Because of this exceptional link between “employer” & “employee,” we ask for Comments, Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions, Experiences & Stories. Please take a moment to submit an item of interest, related to Household/Domestic Staff or previous work stories. The funnier…the better. The more informative…the more helpful for all.

***Names & e-mail addresses will not be posted if requested.

(267) Most recent on top
  • Francisco Tapiculin says:

    I have been looking forward to visit your Office and file my intention to for job placement. Your Agency is the melting pot of excellence in service to your clientele with a special brand of staff and workers – living up to its culture of leadership and excellence. That I would be proud to be associated with and do my share.

  • Richard Antwi says:

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am Richard. Having worked for a couple of restaurants ( as a runner, busser, and even as a dishwasher), I would be very glad if I am given the opportunity to work at your company as a housekeeper. I am confident I would not disappoint you at performing my duties. Looking forward to hearing from you. I would also like to know if there are any
    requirements for this position.
    (718) 790 1546.

  • Linda says:

    I’ve sent in my info and I am hoping someone will contact me. I am very driven and am a hard worker. I’d be very happy and honored if I was considered for a position working with your company as a housekeeper. Thanks for the opportunity and do not hesitate to call or email me.

  • Dear Sir or Madam, My best friend Andrea and I just applied as a couples team. I am a Retired Police Officer, with formal academic training in physical Security and professional protection. Having worked for VIP clients, it is a service you may want to emphasize the vital importance of. Best wishes. Look forward to hearing more about a viable opportunity. Respectfully, John Wyne. (203) 530-4455.

  • Alexis says:

    Hello. How does one begin with little or no experience at all? Does anyone offer opportunities to those who have yet to be offered one?

  • Cecile Fonacier says:

    Hello this is Cecile Fonacier and i would like to know if there is anything job wise for me yet. Thank You!

  • Kash says:

    Hello. I’m currently looking cleaning job. Anything that you need done as far, as cleaning and replenishing your fridge and cabinets with groceries I CAN DO! YES I CAN!!. And i am a student here . I am available whole week . I am punctual, reliable, honest, trustworthy, serious about my work . Thanks . Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Patricia Lambert says:

    ‎Dear Denisse,

    Happy Belated Thanks Giving!

    I must say Thanks to you for your kind time, trying to help me to get the “gig” job!

    Not easy, more when a single mom and in need. But, I cannot let go the week without recognized how nice you were to me always!

    Thank you!

    Patricia Lambert

  • Lytra Wilson says:

    Recently, The Greenhouse Agency invited me to come to New York from Michigan for an interview. I accepted. The warm and caring natures of the agents, particularly Denise and Candice made my experience ideal. They made sure that my experience was favorable!! Thank u guys! I will never forget u!

  • CJ says:

    Well spoken:
    Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy

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