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Looking For A Nanny Job? Stop & Read This Blog Post First!

Looking For A Nanny Job? The article below from MyNannyCircle is a nice guide to help you in your search. Here is an excerpt:

The job market can be a tough place to navigate, especially for those in the domestic staffing industry. Nannies are a tremendous percentage of that industry and will go through some more hurdles finding the right positions because of the emphasis on Childcare. Our friends over at My Nanny Circle detailed what every nanny should know prior to entering the job search market with a fabulous blog post shared below.
Whether it’s a help wanted ad on social media, a post on, a job profile on SitterCity or another nanny, who’s helping a family find a potential nanny; every day we encounter families who are looking to hire the perfect nanny. As we read through the job descriptions, immediately we can independently make a decision as to whether or not we want to get to know the family more. Moreover, if the salary is posted, this also gives the nanny who is looking for a job, an incentive to either pursue that job prospect or not. As much as a good salary will motivate many to submit their resumes to the hiring family, families themselves must understand that the job duties must be realistic, no matter how attractive the salary maybe.
I think one of the most honest ways that hiring families can ensure that the job responsibilities are realistic, is to simply ask whether they themselves, would be able to execute these job functions well and do it with a high level of efficacy. In other words, are the duties realistic for one individual to perform successfully and meet the standards that the family has set.
When it comes to caring for children, a nanny must ensure that the needs of children must take precedence over any other duties the hiring family is expecting of them. The nanny family must also ensure that the nanny is not put in a compromising position where he/she has to sacrifice the needs of the charge, in order to perform other duties in the home. I believe that it’s safe to say, that families will agree with me when I say that a nanny can’t successfully care for an active toddler, while simultaneously having to iron bed sheets or prepare elaborate dinners for the entire family. Additionally, a nanny should never accept a job where the responsibilities of the job is making it less likely for them to succeed at the job, or one which puts the well-being and care of a child in jeopardy.

Click here for the rest of this great article from MyNannyCircle!

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Glenn Greenhouse
Glenn began in the “family business” more than 30 years ago, by coming to work for his Father, Martin Greenhouse. He often recounts how nervous he was, when at 19 years old his Father forced him to pick up the phone and speak with David Suskind. This was to be the first of dozens of phone calls and meetings to come for Glenn……with Celebrity Clientele. Glenn considers himself very fortunate to have spent his life working at a job he truly loves and as he puts it: “earn a comfortable living at the same time.”
Glenn Greenhouse

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