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Being A Healthy Nanny

Being a Nanny can be difficult in terms of keeping up with the children’s youthful energy. A day with an active child is sure enough to tire out just about anyone. Leaving you to wonder how you can keep up. It’s easy! There are plenty of ways to get healthy and stay healthy to match an active child’s energy.
For starters, control your stress. Stress can build up easily over time and restrict your body from functioning properly. Stress has been shown to raise cortisol levels, which is basically the hormone in your body that feels like pressing the panic button repeatedly. What this can do is actually retain body fat and keep you from getting the rest you need to be able to work at 100%.
The next step is as exactly what you would expect, yup, exercise! Fortunately exercise is the next step that helps reduce stress and bring your health up. When you think of exercise you don’t have to think about stepping up for a marathon immediately (Although running is a fantastic way of getting healthier by the way), you can start small! By simply raising the calories you burn per day, you’ll activate your body’s metabolism and kick it into fat burning mode. Take the stairs instead of the escalator/elevator, give yourself half an hour to walk/run and just stay on your feet and keep your body moving. What important is you consistently keep your body moving. Before you know it you feel used to the added activity and your energy levels will rise with your health.
Lastly what you put in is what you get out. You can be sure that counts for food as well. Eating lighter is one thing, knowing what’s in the food you eat goes a long way towards the outcome of your fitness/health. Start eating more greens, limit your dairy intake, eat more fats! Yes fats are good, not the fats that are in packaged goods but the fats that are in avocados, almonds/nuts, even mozzarella cheese! Fats are good in the sense they give you similar energy that carbs give but don’t get stored as easily.
If you follow the simple tips above you’ll find your health starting to increase. Suddenly you’ll have that extra bit of energy to play an extra half hour of tag & match the energy levels of the kids you care for.

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Glenn Greenhouse
Glenn began in the “family business” more than 30 years ago, by coming to work for his Father, Martin Greenhouse. He often recounts how nervous he was, when at 19 years old his Father forced him to pick up the phone and speak with David Suskind. This was to be the first of dozens of phone calls and meetings to come for Glenn……with Celebrity Clientele. Glenn considers himself very fortunate to have spent his life working at a job he truly loves and as he puts it: “earn a comfortable living at the same time.”
Glenn Greenhouse

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